Essay on helping others
How To Write A Seminar Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10 Ways to Keep Your Class Interesting
10 Ways to Keep Your Class Interesting Have you at any point been really busy showing a class, looked at your understudies, and discovered them gazing into space? Exactly when you think youve made the ideal exercise plan or connecting with action, you may find that your understudies are unfocused and out somewhere else. However its fundamental that you discover approaches to keep your classes intriguing so your understudies can ingest and hold the data that you present. For quite a long time, instructors have been attempting new instructing systems to cause their understudies to remain alert and get them amped up for learning. Albeit a few methodologies have fizzled, others have been seen as very viable. Investigate 10 instructor tried approaches to keep your class intriguing so your understudies will remain connected constantly. 1. Consolidate Mystery Into Your Lessons Learning might be the most diversion for your understudies when they dont realize what's in store. Attempt to consolidate a feeling of shock and puzzle into your exercises. When youre going to reveal another exercise, provide understudies another insight every day up until the most recent day before the beginning of the exercise. This is a pleasant method to make your exercise secretive, and you may find that your understudies are really anticipating discovering what theyll be finding out about straightaway. 2. Dont Repeat Classroom Material Its fitting and fundamental to survey study hall material, however make an effort not to rehash it verbatim on the grounds that this can make it less intriguing for understudies. Whenever you have to audit material, take a stab at playing a survey game during which you present the data in a manner that is not quite the same as the first occasion when you showed the understudies. The 3-2-1 procedure is a pleasant method to survey and not rehash material. For this movement, understudies attract a pyramid their scratch pad and record three things they learned, two things they thought were intriguing, and one inquiry they despite everything have. 3. Make Classroom Games Regardless of whether youre 5 or 25, playing a game can be entertaining. Games are likewise an incredible method to keep exercises fascinating. On the off chance that your understudies need to recollect their spelling words, lead a spelling honey bee a challenge where members are wiped out when they incorrectly spell a word. Or on the other hand if the understudies need to rehearse math, have a math honey bee, which is like a spelling honey bee, yet with math issues or realities as opposed to spelling words. Games make learning fun, and games in class are a remedy for upbeat children. 4. Give Your Students Choices One system that instructors have seen as powerful is offering their understudies the capacity to settle on their own decisions with regards to learning. Decision can be an incredible inspiration since it assists with encouraging understudy intrigue and freedom. Whenever youre arranging an action, have a go at settling on a decision board. Print out a tic-tac-toe board and record nine unique assignments for understudies to finish. The objective is for every understudy to pick three errands in succession. 5. Use Technology Innovation is an incredible method to keep your exercises intriguing. Youngsters love gadgets, so have a go at fusing it into your general instructing system. Rather than remaining before the room and addressing, take a stab at utilizing a Smartboard intuitive presentation. Extend your agreeable learning movement exercises by interfacing with a homeroom in another city or nation through videoconferencing. Use innovation in an assortment of ways, and youll see the intrigue level in your study hall increment significantly. 6. Dont Take Teaching so Seriously Being a compelling instructor is a significant activity, yet that doesnt imply that you need to stay genuine in class consistently. Attempt to extricate up a piece and recognize that your understudies may have various premiums and learning styles than your own. Its OK to chuckle at yourself now and again and to have a ton of fun. You may find that your understudies are increasingly intrigued when youre somewhat more loose. 7. Make Your Lessons Interactive In a conventional study hall, the educator remains before the room and talks to the understudies as the understudies tune in and take notes. Sadly, this isn't the best method to hold understudies intrigue. Make learning intuitive by making hands-on exercises that include understudies at all times. Take a stab at utilizing the Jigsaw helpful learning action in which every understudy is answerable for their own piece of a gathering action. Or on the other hand give a hands-a shot science try. At the point when you include understudies and make your exercises intuitive, your class turns out to be all the more intriguing. 8. Relate Material to Your Students Lives Attempt to make a certifiable association with what your understudies are realizing. This will give them a superior comprehension of why they have to realize what youre educating. On the off chance that theyre continually asking you for what valid reason they have to master something and youre continually replying with â€Å"because,†you will before long lose believability. Rather, take a stab at offering them a genuine response, for example, Youre finding out about cash in light of the fact that in reality, youll need to realize how to purchase food and take care of your tabs. By furnishing a direct response, youre helping them make an association between what theyre realizing in class and how theyll utilize this data later on. 9. Flip Your Lessons The flipped homeroom has been picking up in ubiquity since the term flipped entered the more extensive instruction world in 2012. At the point when it was first introduced, the possibility that understudies could learn new data at home and afterward come to class and use class time for basic reasoning exercises and fortification of ideas was exceptional. Notwithstanding, numerous instructors are utilizing this system and accomplishing positive outcomes. Understudies in a flipped homeroom can work at their own pace (which is incredible for separated learning) and draw in with their companions in a progressively intelligent, important way when theyre in the study hall. Take a stab at utilizing the flipped showing system for your next exercise and watch the profundity of your understudies commitment. 10. Consider some fresh possibilities Exercise plans dont need to incorporate worksheets or talks during which understudies sit and take notes on numerous occasions. Have a go at considering some fresh possibilities and plan an exercise that is totally strange. Welcome a visitor speaker, go on a field excursion, or take adapting outside. At the point when you have a go at something new and extraordinary, theres a decent possibility that your understudies will react emphatically. When arranging an exercise, take a stab at working together with another educator or taking your understudies on a virtual field trip. Discovering that connects with understudies is the best. Your understudies will think that its additionally fascinating to realize when you present the material to them in an assortment of inventive manners.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
What Metrics Do You Watch During Customer Development
What Metrics Do You Watch During Customer Development © | AniwhiteIn this article, we explain 1) the difference between vanity and actionable metrics, 2) an introduction to the AARRR metrics framework, and 3) how the AARRR framework can be used during customer development.INTRODUCTIONThere is nothing in business that is not worth measuring, including success. In fact, it is hard to know if you have succeeded if you are not measuring your initiatives, your failures and your successes. All of these measurements will come from different metrics. These metrics are not all the same and not all metrics will apply to you and your business.But measuring customer development metrics is about more than generating numerical figures. You need to be able to distinguish which metrics are most valuable for your business. You also need to know how to use them and what do to do with them when you have them.VANITY METRICS VS ACTIONABLE METRICSIn general, you will find that there are two different kinds of metrics that you will use. Thes e main groups of metrics are known as vanity metrics and actionable metrics. While both can be valuable, there are distinct differences between the two groups.Vanity metrics are metrics that make you feel good about what you have done. These are numbers or statistics that look good in reports. Vanity metrics are fun. They show you how many visitors you get, how many followers you have or how many new subscribers have signed up for more information. These metrics are often easy to track and they can show growth. But the data they produce is relatively meaningless. You cannot do very much with them that is meaningful for growing your business.Maybe your tweet did get thirty favorites and a bunch of retweets. But that only tells you a few things. It tells you that you tweeted at the right time. It may even show that you were relevant or funny once. But it does not correlate to data that you can really use to develop your customers.Vanity metrics are not an accurate gauge of what is hap pening within your business. In fact, if you really want to, you can purchase your vanity metrics for only a small fee. It is not difficult to find someone who can generate hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of followers or fake signups for you. The problem is that you then have thousands of people following your business but none of them are customers. Many of them may not even be real people.Because vanity metrics are easy to track and easy to achieve, many people begin to focus on improving them. Unfortunately, this can be a mistake because it means that you begin to spend time focusing on metrics that make you feel good. You should really be focusing on metrics that can help you improve your business.Vanity metrics are data but having huge amounts of data is not always wat you need. This especially true if the data does not provide you with new information to base your decisions on. That is why you need to focus on actionable metrics. Actionable metrics are those stat istics that you can use to measure and assess specific tasks that are directly related to the goals of your business. These are important because they allow you to read data and then make changes to attract more customers. These metrics help you make decisions about your strategy.Actionable metrics are not necessarily compiled into handy graphs with the touch of the button. They often take some work and interpretation. One great kind of actionable metric is a split test or an A/B experiment. These metrics produce some of the most actionable data that you can ever find. This is because they either confirm or deny a hypothesis explicitly. They are also useful because you can use them in many different areas. You can use the A/B test to make changes to your advertising copy or even to make major changes to your product.Keyword metrics are also great metrics to use for your business. These tests are sometimes known as SEM or SEO tests. They are also great for developing your customers b ecause they will demonstrate real insights about your customers.AARRR METRICSThe origins of AARRR do not differ much from the origins of the Customer Development model. AARRR, otherwise known as Startup Metrics for Pirates, was developed by Dave McClure. He is the person who created the term and created a presentation that anyone can now find either on Slideshare or on Dave McClure’s blog, Master of 500 Hats. Dave is an entrepreneur and an active investor. He also cofounded 500Startups.The model was initially created to support Dave’s hypothesis that founders only need to focus on five key actionable metrics in order to make their business model a successful one. AAARR provides a measurable framework for startups to tell whether or not the current business model is worth developing into a fully-fledged company.As indicated by its acronym, AARRR has five key phases. In order, these phases are: acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referral.AcquisitionAcquisition is the first of the five key phases of the framework. It is also the first point when you will make contact with your customer. You can acquire customers from social networks, SEO, PR, affiliates, business development efforts and direct advertising. Many people confuse acquisition for casual visitors. Acquisition is not the number of views you get per month. You can use this metric in a more meaningful way than this.Instead, you should be measuring where your visitors are coming from. You can then begin to see which of your efforts are working best within your customer market. This information will tell you if your SEO is on track or if your social media efforts are currently worth your while.You will see where the big spikes of customers are coming from. You will also see where a low but steady volume is coming from. But at this point, you should not be disregarding methods that bring in low but steady stream of customers. You need to go through the rest of the process before you begin to make decisions about which streams to keep and which to put lower on the list of priorities.ActivationActivation naturally follows customer acquisition. This is because once you get traffic to your website or your business, you need to create a great user experience. This is the part where you need to use your value propositions to hook your customers.Your landing page is an essential part of customer activation. But not any old landing page is suitable. You should be split or A/B testing here to find the best customer experience. When you have figured out what works best for customers, you will be able to activate more customers.It is not enough to get customers to sign up in your registration form. Customers who give you their information are more likely to buy but they haven’t bought yet. You still need to get them to buy. You might have 5,000 email addresses but if you aren’t taking orders that data is not incredibly useful to you yet. Conversion happens further down the ch ain.RetentionThe AARRR framework does not stop once you have activated your customers. You need to keep them coming back for more once they have arrived. While it is important to focus on acquiring those first customers in the first step of the method, you need to have equal focus on keeping them. Repeat business and loyal customers are far more valuable to you than anyone who buys from you once and never comes back again.How you retain customers will depend on your business. However, you should avoid giving things away for free. Yes, you will have a high retention rate. But you still don’t have paying customers. Since paying customers are usually your initial goal as a startup, giving things away will put adding paying customers further back on your timeline. Also, you will have a much lower conversion rate if you decide to begin charging for your services.Retaining customers is not just about keeping them on your mailing list. You want them to be interacting with you. You want t hem to open the emails you send them. You want them to be clicking around your site rather than visiting your home page.However, do not measure your retention every day. You can retain customers who are not visiting you every day and they will still be valuable to you. In fact, customers who visit regularly are often more valuable than those who are around constantly. Think of it this way. If you were a retail store and you have customers who came in everyday, they would probably make smaller purchase, if they bought at all. But customers who came in every week to do their shopping? They are probably making bigger, regular purchases that you can count on. These are the customers that you want to please.You can measure your retention rates in whichever way is most appropriate for your business. For some, it might be seeing how many people visit your product monthly. For others, it will be how many people return to the product and how often.ReferralThere is nothing sweeter than a cus tomer referral. Creating an experience where your customer can do half your work for you is your ultimate goal. You want to be able to create an experience that does not just draw in customers. You want an experience that makes those customers want to tell all their friends. However, you should keep this sharing under control under you have a great product. Allowing your customers to refer your product to all of their friends will not serve you if you are not ready for the business yet.You should be qualitatively testing your product until it is ready for a hard launch before you allow your product to go viral.Referrals are powerful and you can use them to your advantage as a way to control both your product and your customers.OnePlus is a Chinese phone manufacturer which creates high end phones that are sold at low prices. Though it has many of the specs of the latest Apple or Samsung products, these phones are often sold at less than half the price of the biggest phones on the mar ket.The way that OnePlus sells its phones is evidence that the referral process can be very valuable for your business. While Apple has stunning, and expensive, advertising, OnePlus operates solely on the invitation system. This means that customers have to visit the landing page and place themselves on a list if they want to buy the newest version of the phone.Because of the nature of the product, OnePlus reaches out to its target market and allows its target market to expand its market for it.This leaves OnePlus in complete control of its market. Current owners can invite friends to sign up for an invitation. The more people that sign up for an invitation the higher up the original invite moves up on the list. Thus, it encourages referrals for real rewards. But the gratification is delayed. OnePlus maintains is exclusivity by forcing customers to wait on a waiting list until an invitation is available. Once the customer gets the invitation, they have 72 hours to activate the invit ation. When the invitation is activated, they have 24 hours to purchase.OnePlus has a genius system. However, it only works because the company offers a genius product with a real value proposition. You can’t make customers wait three months for a new phone and then randomly demand $400 from them in a matter of days if you do not have a gripping value proposition.RevenueYour revenue is the least vain out of all your metrics. Measuring revenue is a perfect place to really determine the success of your business model. If you are bringing in real revenue, you are on to something. It is then okay to begin to scale up your model into a real company.However, it is important that you go through the previous four steps before measuring your revenue. Without doing this, you will not be getting all of the other valuable data that you need. Knowing how much you’re bringing in is great but it is only useful in the context of other metrics such as where your money is coming from.USING AARRR IN THE CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT MODELThe AARRR method is perfectly designed to use alongside the Customer Development model. You can use this framework throughout the model but it is most useful in the last two stages: customer creation and company building. Successfully moving through the AARRR framework will help you determine whether your business model is ready to be scaled up into a fully-fledged company.The acquisition and activation stages are best used during the customer validation phase of Customer Development. These stages are great for the measurement that you should be doing when you validate your customers. You can use the acquisition phase to measure where your customers are coming from. You can also use the activation stage and its metrics to measure your customer engagement. This will help you validate your customers.The activation stage of AARRR is also essential for the customer creation stage of Customer Development. In the activation stage, you are measuring the mar keting activities that you need to help your customers not only learn more about your product but actually want to buy it. These methods can be used together to create a successful strategy for not just gaining customers but keeping them. The reason that these fit together so well is because they are not about creating marketing but about creating a positive experience for the customers.The retention, referral and revenue phases can all be used to measure whether or not your business model qualifies as a something that should be scaled up in the company building phase of Customer Development. Measuring your customer retention is important because the customers that you retain will be your most valuable customers. You want to create a business that does not just draw customers in for single purchases but creates valuable buyers.You also want your business to be so engaging that these customers want to share it with their friends. There is no point in building a business that your cus tomers would not tell anyone about. Finally, measuring your revenue streams is important because it is the proof you need that people are will to spend money on your business. If all three of these things point to success, you can officially move into the company building phase of the Customer Development model.CONCLUSIONLearning the difference between vanity metrics and meaningful measurements is essential if you want to incorporate measurements into the Customer Development model. Since the Customer Development model is all about learning and validating your data, it makes sense that you would want to use your metrics to make actionable decisions about what you know.Using the AARRR framework alongside the Customer Development model is a great way to measure your success. When you successfully apply AARRR to the relevant stages of Customer Development, you will find that you will be able to come to a clear decision about whether or not you should transform your business model into a fully-fledged company.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Overview of Alice Munros The Turkey Season
Alice Munros The Turkey Season was first published in the December 29, 1980, issue of The New Yorker. It was later included in Munros 1982 collection, The Moons of Jupiter, and in 1996s Selected Stories. The Globe and Mail calls The Turkey Season one of Munros very best stories. Plot In the story, the adult narrator looks back at a time in the late 1940s when, at age 14, she took a job as a turkey gutter for the Christmas season. The story goes into great detail about the various other workers at the Turkey Barn -- Herb Abbott, the mysterious and alluring supervisor; two middle-aged sisters, Lily and Marjorie, skillful gutters who take pride in never letting their husbands come near them; cheerful Irene, young, pregnant, and belatedly married; Henry, who periodically drinks whisky from his thermos and who, at age 86, is still a devil for work; Morgan, the rough-edged owner; Morgy, his teenage son; Gladys, Morgans fragile sister, who brings her own soap to prevent allergies, frequently calls in sick, and is rumored to have suffered a nervous breakdown. Finally, there is Brian, a crass, lazy newcomer. Eventually, Brians rude behavior goes too far. Munro never tells us exactly what his offense is, but the narrator enters the barn after school one day to find Morgan screaming at Brian not only to leave the barn but also to leave town entirely. Morgan calls him filthy and a pervert and a maniac. Meanwhile, Gladys is said to be recuperating. The story concludes some days later with the strange camaraderie of the Turkey Barn crew celebrating their last delivery on Christmas Eve. They are all drinking rye whiskey -- even Morgy and the narrator. Morgan presents everyone with a bonus turkey -- the deformed ones that are missing a wing or a leg and thus cant be sold -- but at least hes taking one home himself, too. When the party is over, snow is falling. Everyone heads home, with Marjorie, Lily, and the narrator linking arms as if we were old comrades, singing, Im Dreaming of a White Christmas. Thematic Threads As we might expect from an Alice Munro story, The Turkey Season yields new layers of meaning with every reading. One particularly interesting theme in the story involves, quite simply, work. Munro spares us no details of the raw job at hand, describing the turkeys, plucked and stiffened, pale and cold, with the heads and necks limp, the eyes and nostrils clotted with blood. She also highlights the conflict between manual labor and intellectual labor. The narrator explains that she took the job to prove she was capable of manual work because thats what the people around her valued, as opposed to the things I was good at, like schoolwork, which were suspect or held in plain contempt. This conflict mirrors the tension between Lily and Marjorie, comfortable with the work of gutting, and Gladys, who used to work in a bank and who seems to find manual labor beneath her. Another intriguing theme in the story involves the definition and enforcement of gender roles. The women in the story have clear ideas about the ways in which women should behave, though their opinions often contradict each other. They openly disapprove of each others perceived transgressions, and when they do agree on standards, they become almost competitive about whos better fulfilling them. All of the women seem uniformly drawn to the character of Herb Abbott precisely because of his ambiguous sexuality. He doesnt meet any of their gender stereotypes, and thus he becomes an endless source of fascination for them, a puzzle to be solved. (You can read more about the way Munro establishes Herbs elusive character in Ambiguity in Alice Munros The Turkey Season.) Though it would be possible to read The Turkey Season as a story about Herbs sexual orientation, I think its really a story about the other characters fixation on Herbs sexuality, their discomfort with ambiguity, and their obsessive need to fix the label.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why School Should Start Later - 899 Words
School Should Start Later Almost every day high school students are waking up around six o’clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier than that. Nearly every morning students are waking up without adequate sleep. If sleep is one of the most essential needs of the body in order to grow and develop, shouldn’t we be more aware of how much it affects students everyday performance? The ways in which students are affected by sleep-deprivation is precisely why school needs to start later. Schools that start before 8 a.m. are a major reason students aren’t getting adequate sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation teenagers need on average 8  ½ - 9  ½ hours of sleep a night(Schute, Nancy). Realistically students rarely get that much sleep. When students don’t get adequate sleep it has the ability to affect their attention span, memory, problem-solving ability, and mood(Rosenberg, Russell). Are these students actually expected to pay attention, learn, solve problems, and have an acceptable attitude when they wake up sleep deprived? With a sleep cycle that changes once students hit puberty and an increase in the production of melatonin its nearly impossible for teens to fall asleep before 10:30 p.m.(Edwards, Finley). In my own experience I don’t even get tired until around 11:30 p.m. and barely fall asleep before 12, so it makes it extremely difficult to wake up at 6 a.m. and get ready for the day. Pushing school start times back could produce negativeShow MoreRelatedWhy School Should Start Later1531 Words  | 7 PagesI realized I missed the bus! Does this happen to you? Because of early school starts I have to wake up super early which makes me super tired. School starts way too early! Should students have to wake up at unreasonably early times just to get to school on time? No, they shouldn t and school should start later because it causes many risks and problems in students lives. There are many reasons that school should start later, but the main reason is because students don t get enough sleep and areRead MoreWhy School Should Start Later816 Words  | 4 Pagesbiggest issues facing our high school systems. Many school’s across America have started to push back their school start times. Is it worth it? The answer is yes. School should start later in order to unlock our nation’s high school potential. One of the reasons that school should be started later is because it does not give growing teens enough time to sleep. Sleep researcher, Wendy Troxel, who spoke on TED, says that high school aged kids’ sleep cycles do no start until 11 p.m and do not end untilRead MoreWhy School Should Start Later1371 Words  | 6 Pagesreasons for why this is which doesn’t include the laziness of students, and there is no reason for school not to have a later start. So, schools should start later in the day. Reason 1: Many students are not getting enough sleep. In especially middle schools and high school, teenagers are sleep deprived. At the age when they need it the most, teens are not getting enough hours of rest because of how early their school starts. It is very unreasonable that school for teenagers starts early when theyRead MoreWhy School Should Start Later1056 Words  | 5 Pages Later Start Times School start times should be later because school times should revolve around the student’s best ability to learn. When America started public schools, they had the same time frame, around seven to three. They did this so the farmers would have time to go and work in the afternoon. Well, needless to say we still have the same schedule now, with a much different industry and way of life. There are countless reasons schools should start later and countless studies that proveRead MoreWhy We Should Start School Later Essay506 Words  | 3 Pagesthat the average high school student does not get enough sleep. While some experts like Dr. Lee Yanku say â€Å"It is not the schools starting time that is the problem as to why students don’t get enough sleep, it is because of facebook, myspace and cell phones†The truth behind it is that we can’t budget sports, homework and extracurricular activities into one day and still get nine hours of sleep. This is hurt ing student’s academic averages and needs to change. Changing the school time will help boostRead MoreReasons Why Schools Should Start Later During The Day1295 Words  | 6 Pages I am doing my paper on the reasons of why schools should start later in the day. I will analyze many negative effects that come with sleep deprivation, such as caffeine usage and car wrecks. I will also discuss the positive aspects of schools starting early, such as extra time for extracurricular activities. American Academy of Pediatrics. â€Å"School Start Times for Adolescents.†Pediatrics, vol. 134, no.3, Sept 2014, pp.642-649. MoreSchool Hours895 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Later School hours we Demand Topic Outline Introduction: Students complain about how tired they are during their morning periods. Thesis: Schools should start later according to Dr. Ross and Mr. Philips. Students feel very emotionally distress early in the mornings. It’s only reasonable to think that concentration would be better after enough of time to actually wake up. i. Dr. Ross and Mr. Philips ii. Emotional distress Read MoreShould School Day Start Later? Essay1395 Words  | 6 PagesMs. Scruggs English 3 08 December 2016 Should School Day Start Later Even though that schools are starting too early and students aren t getting enough sleep. Schools should start later because teens can get more sleep and teens can get their work on time., That schools should start later so students can learn better. because Teens are falling asleep in class because they are getting to school early. and Schools are starting too early and should start later. Students need more sleep in the morningRead MoreSchool Should Start Later642 Words  | 3 Pagesmiddle and high schools start as early as 7:00 am, requiring teenagers to rise at least at 6:30 in order to make it to class. As a nation, we can only view this as a monstrosity. In this essay, I will be going over three areas of analysis: one, why early start times for middle and high school create situations not in the interest of learning, two, why a later commencement time would have substantial benefits, and three, why said benefits would outweigh the disadvantages. First, why early commencementRead MorePersuasive Essay On Why School Should Start In School769 Words  | 4 PagesWhy do we hate going to school? Why are we sluggish all day? Why do some people get too tired to put full effort into a test? People are tired of these unfair school hours. Things need to change; but how? Well, theres plenty of options. Schools should be on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s, with a week break every two weeks, starting at 9:00 a.m. and goes year round. Why does school start so early anyway? I’ve always been told it has to do with preparing us for a regular work schedule, but
How Is the Extract of Jekyll and Hyde Dramatic Free Essays
The realisation of the reader from this extract, that Jekyll has only been experimenting with science produces dramatic tension. Throughout the extract, Jekyll confesses that he can only speak ‘by theory alone’ regarding his attempts to create the potions to transform himself into Hyde. This represents his constant uncertainty about the results of his experiments. We will write a custom essay sample on How Is the Extract of Jekyll and Hyde Dramatic or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore if even Jekyll, the man performing the experiments, is uncertain of the results, dramatic tension is caused for the reader to discover the results of the experiment. Jekyll also confirms that he doesn’t know anything for certain, as he only speaks what appears ‘to be most probable’. Since the results are uncertain, the reader doesn’t know the effect the experiment would have on Jekyll. The reader also discovers that no-one has attempted the experiment before, which builds up tension and suspense about the end result and makes the reader intrigued to continue reading in order to discover it. The unknown of the experiments Jekyll performs builds drama and is dramatic since the unexpected may happen. Stevenson’s imagery of imprisonment in this extract makes it more dramatic since it portrays the idea of Jekyll being trapped. Jekyll presents being Hyde as a disguise ‘like a thick cloak’ in order to abandon his life as Jekyll, which is boring and tiresome, as if he is escaping from prison in order to live a new and free life. The ‘thick cloak’ could represent protection and by suggesting it is like a piece of clothing, this shows that transforming into Hyde is effortless and comforting to do but the constant interchanging between the views of Jekyll, when he is himself, and Hyde is dramatic. Jekyll likens the potion to a drug by saying that it had ‘no discriminating action’, explaining that it is addicting once he has tried it. However it then became impossible to prevent the change describing it as falling into ‘slavery’ and by being trapped this leads to the extract becoming tense and exciting. Metaphors are used through the extract to provide imagery for the reader. Jekyll explains that Hyde was pure evil and that it was ‘written broadly and plainly on his face’ suggesting that when people saw Hyde, it was immediately clear that he was a cruel person. By using this metaphor, Stevenson is attempting to show the personality of Hyde through his face and that his characteristics were clear from his physical appearance. After drinking the potion, Jekyll ‘had come to the fatal cross-roads’ which is a crucial moment in the novel for him, as he can choose only choose option suggested by the ‘cross roads’. This is dramatic because as there is a decision to be made which is extremely important, this builds suspense, especially as the decision carried the possibility of death which requires Jekyll to ponder his options carefully. Since the cross roads are ‘fatal’ this may imply that the cross roads will lead to disaster or death. It could also indicate that the cross roads were unavoidable as it was fate that determined Jekyll would have to make this decision. The dangerous decision that has been forced upon Jekyll makes the extract dramatic, since his decision may lead to his death. The use of violent and dramatic language by Stevenson in the extract increases the pace of the novel and makes it more engaging and exciting. Jekyll is uncertain about the result of him drinking his potion which creates tension and by ‘hurrying back to my cabinet’ this shows that there is urgency from Jekyll to discover the effects of the potion which leads to the extract being exciting and dramatic and it is building up tension. When Jekyll had transformed into Hyde he was aware that people were frightened of him and took an instant dislike. He said that people couldn’t approach him without ‘a visible misgiving of the flesh’ and by using violent language to describe their reaction, it demonstrates the severity of the cruelty that Hyde possessed. By saying ‘the flesh’ instead of skin, this shows that people were unable to hide beneath their skin, the reactions they felt regarding Hyde. This language engages the reader with the emotions felt by the characters towards Hyde, producing anxiety among the reader resulting in a dramatic confrontation that is described. The exposure of many mysteries is revealed all at once which creates a dramatic atmosphere. In the extract we learn that Edward Hyde ‘was pure evil’ which is the reason behind people such as Utterson and Enfield ‘taking an instant dislike to him’ as we learn previously. We also discover the motive for Jekyll to transform into Hyde which is because he ‘began to profit by the strange immunities’ of his position, as he is taking advantage of the freedom he has when Jekyll is Hyde. The answers to the questions which were formed by the reader earlier in the novel were slowly being revealed throughout it. However in this short extract, lots of answers are provided to the reader from Jekyll, because he is explaining the actions of both himself and Mr Hyde. Also since the novel is told in third but in this extract it is in the first person perspective, it leaves few questions remaining, allowing the reader to piece together Utterson’s perception. This therefore results in dramatic tension as the reader now understands the actions Jekyll has taken and is intrigued to discover the fate of Jekyll and Hyde. How to cite How Is the Extract of Jekyll and Hyde Dramatic, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The musical techniques Essay Example
The musical techniques Essay There is only one similarity between the two films in the musical techniques which occurs when Miss Havisham asks to see some play, when both films have a small crescendo and both use many notes in a short time which really makes an impact. There is a large build up in questioning, as if to ask, What is your fancy? Making this moment in the film very suspicious where Miss Havisham could either be a complete psychopath with a sick bordering on perverted mind or just an over-interested old woman. Both films use music to build suspense but the 1946 version uses considerably more music than Jarrold, however, the music Jarrold does use is very effective. As Pip enters the room in Leans version, there is an enormous crescendo on the brass and strings which gets louder as the door opens and more of the room is revealed and only quietens when Miss Havisham talks, and increases further until you actually see Miss Havisham, when it comes to an abrupt halt, this music builds tension and really gets the viewer going because nobody has any idea of what is lying behind the door. We will write a custom essay sample on The musical techniques specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The musical techniques specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The musical techniques specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is total silence as Pip and Miss Havisham talk, making the scene spooky and totally unpredictable. As Miss Havisham puts her hand on her heart and makes the viewer feel sympathetic towards her, there is some sad, depressing music on the strings and a small trill (alarm sound) to increase this potential sadness. A very delicate, melodic piece of music is played on the woodwind until the end which creates a sense of confusion and slight bewilderment. This is in contrast with Jarrolds 1999 version where a quiet, magical, mysterious piece is played using a piano which emphasises the questioning aurora of the room, i.e. the room used to be so beautiful and involved in the happiest day of a life and now it is almost discarded and uncared for. As the camera shows the purposely stopped clocks, a cymbal is hit gently to emphasise them and this noise is weird which is a perfect match with the clocks. As Pip opens the jewellery box, the music completely stops which makes the viewer expect Miss Havisham to appear at that point but Jarrold keeps us in suspense, and keeps us hanging on the end of our seats for a little longer. From the point of Pip entering to him opening the box, there is a constant drone in the background which makes the viewer think another person is present besides Pip; this coincides brilliantly with the high camera shots mentioned in the last paragraph. When Pip is looking in the mirror, there is a roll on the kettle drums to create a sweeping sound as Miss Havisham appears. A very ghost like noise, for a very ghost like person. The notes on the piano get quicker at this stage, as does Pips heart rate and leaves us with the question, Is Miss Havisham going to shout? Lean and Jarrold use a few visual effect similarities with almost identical characteristics. The main similarity in both extracts is that lots of shadow is used to create corners that cant be seen and cast shadows that add to mystery and makes the viewer question what is hiding behind the cover of darkness. The 1946 version takes a much darker, silhouetted approach, to bring out Pips pathetic appearance in comparison to the room. Lean creates a silhouette of Pip as he enters, from dark to light as he walks into the room, showing Pip as a patronised young boy, lost in a huge and scary room, again, Pip looks patronised by his silhouette, at this point the spotlight focuses on Miss Havisham, portraying her as the main part of the room, and then jumps to Pips face as he starts talking. As Estella enters, she walks into the spotlight. When the card game appears on screen, the spotlight focuses on Miss Havisham even though she doesnt speak; this is done for three reasons. Firstly, to show Miss Havishams expression when Pip is being insulted. Secondly, to prove that Miss Havisham is still the most important person in the room even when she has no participation in the main activity (the card game) and the light draws the viewers attention to this. And finally, it adds to the dominance of Estella and Pip, that she is that much greater she must be the focal point. This is in contrast with Jarrolds ideas, which predominantly has brighter lights and a lighter atmosphere, however, the amount of shadow he does use is very effective. Jarrold begins by putting a spotlight on the door before Pip enters, this is simply to point the door out to the audience, and show it is the entrance. The rooms interior is quite dark and lit only by candles; this creates a vast amount of tension, which is added to by Pips position in a dark shadowed area. Pip creates long shadows, making the whole process of fumbling around the room a lot scarier, elongated, twisted shadows build up creepiness and mystery. When Pip sees Miss Havisham, full light is on both of their faces to show both reactions at once. When a long shot shows Miss Havisham and Pip fully, Pip is stood in her shadow which shows power over Pip and makes a very daunting image of control. Pips face is only half lit up which again creates tension as we dont totally know what facial expressions Pip is making. When Miss Havisham tells Estella what Pip said about her, the spotlight zooms onto Pip showing his mortified and embarrassed expression and how he reacts when he realises he has been used. Estella is shown in the dark during this as she is not involved in the conversation. I think both extracts build up mystery, tension, confusion and audience questioning superbly. Both have used their independent filming techniques to create as good an interpretation of the book as possible and although both are very different, both get the important points across well. Each scene has portrayed each character as they should be, i.e. over-confident, snobbish Estella, unconfident Pip and powerful, intimidating Miss Havisham. The rooms appeared totally different, Jarrolds interpretation was much more glamorous and pretty at one point and Leans was dull and old, and, I agree more with Jarrold, the room, like Miss Havisham, was beautiful at some point but is now messy and discarded, and Jarrold shows this perfectly. Miss Havisham appeared much stricter in Leans version, and I have to say I dont agree and think Jarrolds Miss Havisham was better played. Although very different filming techniques were used, both portrayed all the necessary emotions very well. Both directors use totally different approaches in all aspects, but it is necessary to look a little deeper into the reasons for using each option. Although Jarrold uses a lighter approach to shadow techniques and his silhouettes arent as bold, the effects put across to the viewer are very strong and portray the correct atmosphere for Pips belittlement. The music used by Jarrold is minimal compared to Leans interpretation but the delicate tune is more of a background noise that increases tension to a greater amount than a full orchestral approach, it just sits in the back of the audiences mind and is almost spooky.
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